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15% EXAMPLE (bill and tip) ...
TOTAL BILL =  $25 * 1.15 = $28.75
or just the tip
TIP AMOUNT$25 * .15 =  $3.75

Here's a general guide for tipping at restaurants, fancy restaurants, cafes, buffets, and deliveries.

Waiters and waitress
15%-20% of the total bill before taxes. Some say total bill after taxes.

15%-20% of the total bill before taxes, or $1 for beer or wine, $2 for mixed drinks. Pay before you head for your table.


Fine Dining at a Fancy Restaurant
15%-20% of the total bill before taxes. Some say total bill after taxes.

Wine steward
10% of wine bill.

Coatroom attendant
$1 per coat

Rest room attendant


Tip jar at Cafes like Starbucks or health club cafes
Leave 5%-10% in the tip jar for good service or complicated order (optional).

If a waiter or waitress brings your order, $1-$2 is recommended.

Hotel breakfasts are 15%-20% and are often automatically added at the cash register.

Deliveries (e.g. Pizza Deliveries)
Minimum $1 or 15% for regular service, but add more for extreme weather or for difficult access to your house, condo or apartment.

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